[Coco] Virtual Color Computer 3 Emulator (VCC)

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Tue Feb 23 13:16:41 EST 2021

What is running when VCC crashes? Is it always the same type of program, what language, graphic, or something else?Is VCC in full screen format (by using F11) and are you switching between VCC and other Windows programs? Are you trying to BREAK out of a program?

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 11:22 AM, Melanie and John Mark Mobley<johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com> wrote:   All,

Thank you for instructions on installing VCC.
I got it installed.
I got version 2.1.0c.
It crashes after about an hour.
The program exits and I have to restart it.
Did I pick the wrong version?

-John Mark Mobley

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