[Coco] Tandy manufactured AgVision VideoText Terminal.

Terry Steege tsteege at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 14:41:40 EDT 2020

I hope no one considers this spam, but of all places connected to the CoCo
Community, my hope is someone here will have a lead on one.  I did ask on
various FaceBook groups, but I know not everyone uses FB, so sorry if this
is repetition for anyone.   These were made by Tandy Computers for a
company called AgVision. They are basically a rebranded VideoTex terminal,
with a very cool blue paint scheme.   Here is the archive link featuring
it:   https://tinyurl.com/y8qyxad6

I have been looking for one of these forever and would love to feature it
on my TheTandyShack.com site as well as complete my collection.  Have any
of you ever seen one in the wild? My local bank had one many years ago, but
unfortunately, they threw it away with a ton of other items in the
mid-nineties.  I have considered an Atari ET game style archeological
dump-dig to find it. :-)

If you have one to sell or know of one, please let me know! I am willing to
purchase it, or heck, I have two silver VideoTex machines and would be
willing to trade one, but I know I would have to kick in extra cash or
additional machines because these are ULTRA rare and very desirable.

Thank you in advance!

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