[Coco] Dungeons of Daggorath online! http://daggorath.online/

Nathan Byrd techy1 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 13:45:17 EDT 2020

Thanks Allen!

As Allen said, Dungeons of Daggorath is now available to play online!  This
is a port to the web of the PC Port of Dungeons of Daggorath.  Both desktop
and mobile (via input buttons) are supported.  If you go to the game using


You should also get an INSTALL button on the main page, which will install
the game as an application on Desktop or as a mobile app.  Note: for Apple
devices using Safari no INSTALL button will appear, you need to use the
Share button then "Add to Home Screen" to save the app in that environment.

I'm very much looking forward to continuing development on this, a couple
of things that are still in the works:

* Improved Mobile controls - currently Incanting rings using the mobile
controls is not supported so the game cannot be beat, and the interface
could be made more seamless.
* NTSC artifact color support as an option - I know on the original PC port
some people have asked for this, I'd like to see if it is possible.  I'm
looking for anyone who could tell me more about how artifact colors on NTSC
* Ability to do named saves and get a listing of saves
* More game options, such as starting difficulty, volume, etc
* Always more documentation!

If anyone finds any bugs or wants to contribute, please see the GitHub repo
at https://github.com/DungeonsOfDaggorath/DungeonsOfDaggorath.github.io

This is the main website repo, which also has a link to the webassmbly

Thanks and enjoy!

Nathan Byrd (cognitivegears)

On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 2:34 PM Allen Huffman <alsplace at pobox.com> wrote:

> Announced earlier today at the Virtual CoCoFest:
> http://daggorath.online/ <http://daggorath.online/>
> Even has ZSAVE and ZLOAD (stays in the browser). Plays great!
> --
> Allen Huffman - PO Box 7634 - Urbandale IA 50323 - 515-999-0227 (vmail/TXT
> only)
> http://www.subethasoftware.com - https://www.facebook.com/subethasoftware
> Sent from my MacBook.
> P.S. Since 4/15/2014, I have earned over $4050! Sign up using my link and
> I get credit:
> http://swagbucks.com/refer/allenhuffman (Ask me for the tip/howto doc.)
> --
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