[Coco] Orchestra90 module for nitros9

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Sat Apr 11 15:03:15 EDT 2020

On Saturday 11 April 2020 12:46:01 Allen Huffman wrote:

> On Apr 11, 2020, at 11:24 AM, Bill Pierce via Coco 
<coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
> > Allen, I think the one I saw back in the 80s was either from delphi
> > or compuserve.
> I must have done a hundred songs in Music 2. It had to make each
> column of notes the same length so there were lots of steps to add
> pauses in between to break up repeating 8th notes and such, or play
> four 8 notes changing and four 8th below which is suppose to be a
> whole note. Lots of work to enter sheet music. Certainly was a skill.
> How does Orch-90 handle that?

At one time in the later 80's I had Mikes Ultimuse-3 driving 2 cheap 
keyboards at once both of which could handle 4 voices  One was a casio 
cz-101, the other an mt-240, neither of which could do everything that 
Ultimuse-3 could send it. But the wife, being a music teacher, 
confiscated the cz-101 for a couple of weeks, ran the batteries out and 
didn't tell me, so 6 months later I found the switch still on and a 
solid mass of alkaline leakage as batteries had leaked all over, and 
among other things it was 50 cents flat even after I had cleaned up the 
mess. At the time I could have replaced it with a much better 16 voice 
Yamaha, but she wasn't interested.  At that time we were busy paying off 
the house since we were both working.

I was driving one with a modified to midi speeds deluxe-232 pack and the 
other thru the bit banger, at the same time, and given the limits of 
those 2 devices (neither was anything close to general midi specs) but I 
thought it was pretty good at what it could do.

Now my interests have drifted off to cnc machining stuff and the garage 
is stuffed with 4 such machines. The biggest one is a Sheldon 11x56 
lathe, being nicely run by an rpi4b.  And is doing things the original 
never dreamed of doing despite not having a compound feed, it was broken 
when I got it.. Linuxcnc can move it many times more precisely, so it 
doesn't need it.  Threads in both metric and imperial, its all in the 
g-code I feed it.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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