[Coco] C language

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Sat Nov 23 07:27:10 EST 2019

On 23/11/2019 3:29 am, Salvador Garcia via Coco wrote:

> Presently, I am working on algorithms to convert a relative file path
> to an absolute one, given the current working directory. 

Unfortunately, string manipulation is not one of C's strengths. And an 
exercise like parsing/converting a file path requires a knowledge of 
pointers, pointer arithmetic, characters, arrays and familiarity with a 
handful of string functions which strictly speaking aren't part of the 
language itself.

Also, in a lot of cases, implementations on microprocessors like the 
Arduino often comprise macros and functions which, aside from being 
unique to the platform, can actually make what you're writing less 
C-like in some respects!

Not that I'm trying to discourage you at all, but merely advising of 

Good luck!


Mark McDougall

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