[Coco] Is learning 6809 Assembly still on your bucket list?

Salvador Garcia salvadorgarciav at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 18 13:11:37 EST 2019

 I have a book on Amazon and one of the clauses mentioned that I could not have the book available for free elsewhere. I could; however, have a small subset though.


    On Monday, November 18, 2019, 05:32:15 AM CST, Charles Allison via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:  
 If I were a betting man I would say amazon made him pull them. There are a lot of his books that are on amazon for sell as ebooks. If an electronic copy is out there for free then none of these will sell. 

Chuck Allison

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 18, 2019, at 00:36, Bill Pierce via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
> At the time Bill Barden pulled his books, he was publishing a new book(s) on his involvement with Tandy computers (and computers in general), so I would imagine if he was going to use any excerpts  from any of his books, he needed copyright clearance with his publisher(s). That would probably involve a lot of legal shifting of copyrights and licensing, so he probably removed them for legal purposes.
> He had known his books were online for a long time and had been on the Facebook Coco page as well. If it had been a "personal" thing, he would have pulled them long ago.
> I tried to find a link to his new stuff, but my Google Foo is weak tonight.


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