[Coco] Upgrading a CoCo 1

Carlos Camacho idevgames at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 18:47:47 EST 2019

I concur with the others, I tend not to upgrade those CoCos. Best to keep
them stock and cherished on-touched. If you see a CoCo 1 with badge in
center of keyboard, rather than left side, it is a sign of an 'easier
upgrade' to 64K.

Might be better to get a cheap CoCo 2 at 64K.

If you REALLY want to upgrade that CoCo 1, then look at Dennis' (admin of
this list) article in the Color Computer Magazine. (Online in the archive).
He does a nice job to explain all steps in the upgrade.

As a side note... I thought 'someone' was working on a CoCo 1/2 memory
board that went into the cartridge port. Am I thinking of the Moo Card from
the UK perhaps?


Carlos Camacho
Color Computer Store

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