[Coco] Serial to USB adapter Question

Stephen Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Fri Oct 5 23:53:08 EDT 2018

Or perhaps not!

The ambient weather virtual station crashed my Win 2K BIOS on the 
original laptop.

When it died my Sony Laptop with Win XP was pressed into service.

The ambient weather virtual station now crashes that computer.

Oh well I have a SONY VIAO laptop with Vista that was a backup for my W7 
computer that was barely usable online. When MSFT says "Support Has 
Ended" the rest of the universe falls into line.

The same may happen with W7 in January 2020.

So nuts to the idea on running ambient weather virtual station on my W10 
laptop, I had hoped to not have two laptops running at the same time.


On 10/5/2018 8:27 PM, Stephen Fischer wrote:
> https://www.frys.com/product/2978905
> $24.99
> On my list for the next trip to Fry's
> Thanks,

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