[Coco] More on NitrOS9 and format

Bill Gunshannon bill.gunshannon at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 19 08:32:50 EDT 2018

I have two MPI's and both have been upgraded.


On 03/19/2018 12:26 AM, Barry Nelson wrote:
>> Bill Gunshannon wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> Pretty much anything.  I have tried formating SCSI with the
>>> TC^3, IDE's with the Cloud9 Super IDE and lately 8" floppies.
>>> Nothing special.  I have tried DMODEing for the 8" or just leaving
>>> the parameters the way they are for a standard COCO floppy
>>> (which is much smaller).  Anytime I try this using Level2 it gets
>>> part way thru and then the screen starts going whacky and then
>>> the system freezes.  The whackiness of the screen makes me
>>> think something is writing its way thru memory and it continues
>>> until it hits something important and then system crashes.
>>> I have tried allocating additional memory and this usually causes
>>> format to get further along but in the end, always the same.
>>> I have tried two totally different COCO3's with the same results.
>>> bill
>> Robert Gault wrote:
>> Bill,
>> Since I can run Format without problems both on hardware and emulators, I still think there may be
>> more than just the Format code causing your problem. Please post the exact command sequence, the
>> Coco device (hardware/emulator), total memory, the type of drive and disk size.
>> That your use of the command fails while most if not all other users have it work indicates there is
>> some problem in addition to the Format command.
>> Robert
> When I see problems like this on a CoCo 3 one of the questions I ask is are you using a Multi-pak an has it been updated to work with a CoCo 3?

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