[Coco] Gene Heskett

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Wed Feb 28 10:46:02 EST 2018

On Wednesday 28 February 2018 09:02:06 Bruce W. Calkins wrote:

> For those who pray and/or have concerns:
> Gene's wife broke her leg and is in a hospital and will probably be in
> a wheelchair for some time.

She broke the plateau of the legbone, so it will be in a splint at least 
3 months.

> Gene also has visited the hospital for 
> another blood clot problem.

I went up to check out a painfull leg, which turned out to be a rather 
large blood clot in the groin area, probably from too many uninterrupted 
hours in this chair.  They've claimed thats fixed with all the heperin 
they dribbled thru me but they're raising the warfarin dose, so we'll 
see in due time. Blood test to see how much more than 7.5mg a day it 
takes is yet today.

> He is home and about, but has a lot on 
> his plate at the moment,

I'll nominate that for Understatement of the Month.

Dee may never come home as they also have her on a heart diet and she 
can't choke down the tasteless food they give her along with decaff, and 
at 83 lbs needs every calorie she can get down. So I'm rattling about 
alone in the house, trying to catch up on the sleep they never let you 
get in one of those beds patented by the Marquis De Sade.  Other than 
that, I'll be ok till whenever.

> so probably won't be keeping up with the 
> list. Thank you'all;
> Bruce W.

Thanks Bruce & list.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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