[Coco] Disk Free Space

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Wed Dec 26 22:49:37 EST 2018

Here is an example.
Line 10 gives you enough string space. The first number in line 20 is your disk # and inputs track 
17 and sector 2 into the 128-byte strings S1$ and S2$. We then convert each byte in each string into 
a hexidecimal number in lines 40, 80, and 200.

10 CLEAR512
20 DSKI$ 0,17,2,S1$,S2$
30 FOR I=1TO128
40 A$=MID$(S1$,I,1)
50 GOSUB 200
70 FORI=1TO128
80 A$=MID$(S2$,I,1)
90 GOSUB 200
100 NEXT
110 END


phil pt wrote:
> Can you please provide me with a example basic code to show me how to get
> the information?
> On Wednesday, December 26, 2018, Robert Gault <robert.gault at att.net> wrote:
>> Phil,
>> This is not exactly what you asked, but RGBDOS on emulators and HDBDOS on
>> real Coco disks tells you how many grans are free. A Granule is 9 sectors.
>> If you can't examine your disk using a Basic command, you will need to
>> count the number of free grans in the table on Track 17 Sector 2.
>> With a "nice" DOS on a fresh disk, you would see bytes 0-$43 =$FF and all
>> other bytes =$00. Disk Basic probably has all bytes in T17S2=$FF. You only
>> care about bytes 0-$43. They bytes that are $FF indicate free grans.
>> Robert
>> phil pt wrote:
>>> mlbasic 2.0 does not support the free command how can I get the free disk
>>> space that is available on the floppy disk using dskini?
>>> Thanks
>> --
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