[Coco] The Maestro on CoCoTalk

Carlos Camacho idevgames at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 18:03:59 EDT 2018

I just listened to CoCoTalk and they interviewed the owner of this mailing
list, Dennis Bathory Kitsz. Was very good to hear Dennis 'live' after
seeing his face and name on the various CoCo related media all these years.
Kudos to Ron for getting him on the show!

As I was driving and listening to the show, many questions popped into my
head. Would love to ask them (but feel free to reply off list in your own
time or over on the Facebook group!)

Q. I know Steve Bjork worked on some hardware projects for Tandy. With your
early expertise on the TRS-80 and then CoCo, I always wondered if Tandy
approached you for potential hardware projects? You would have made a good
project person for the Speech/Sound Pak IMHO, considering your music

Q. Wondering if you considered an Atari ST/Amiga after the CoCo to
express/fulfill your music side? (I moved to Amiga myself for
graphics/music and Motorola.)

Q. We have some retrospectives these days on what Tandy could have done. In
terms of the CoCo. If you could change something in our history, what would
it have been? (ie Deluxe CoCo with better sound, MC-10 follow-up (ha ha),
3rd party offering in Radio Shack, etc)

Q Could you give a listen to all competing music products recently
developed for the CoCo and command a standard for all of us to live by?
Q. How was the CoCo's musical performance in the movie, 'Revenge of the

Thanks for inspiring me to study electronics way back in 1984 Dennis! I
still go back to all of those articles to learn new things!

Carlos Camacho
Color Computer Store

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