[Coco] 6309 assembler

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Mon Apr 30 00:46:31 EDT 2018

Ok.  I guess I should have just tried it before asking.  I ran a quick 
test and it appears that the stock NitrOS9 assembler does support the 6309.

On 4/29/2018 10:33 PM, Stephen Fischer wrote:
> I think that there is, I have the source for the "C" Compiler which 
> can produce 6309 code. (Not known to many people.)
> BTY, do you have the manual for Supercomm? I noted that you uploaded 
> the program to the http://www.colorcomputerarchive.com/ and it is 
> wanted by a person on Facebook.
> On 4/29/2018 8:12 PM, Dave Philipsen wrote:
>> I think I know the answer to this but just wanted to check for sure.  
>> Is there a 6309 assembler that is native to NitrOS9?
>> Dave

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