[Coco] Possible CoCo3FPGA Analog board run

Zippster zippster278 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 22 18:20:37 EDT 2017

Sure, no problem.

I think I have everyone that has requested to be on the list so far.  Looks like it
will be 50 boards this time around guys.  I'll start getting all the parts ordered.

If I have anyone down in error or missed anybody, please let me know.

- Ed

CoCo3FPGA Analog Boards - Run #2 interest list

Salvador Garcia
Eric Verble
Mark Kohler
Fred Ford
John B
Malcom (Grumpyx)
Jerry Adams (x2)
Jim Veneskey
Scott Wendt
Dwight Bazinet
Rob Rosenbrock
Brendan Donahe
John Strong
Stew Kenly
Brian Joyce
Marvin Malkowski
Mark Kohler
David Linsley
Gary Becker (x2)
Alan Jones
John Riddle
Flemming Dupont
Andrew Ayers
Richard Lorbieski
Mark McDougall
Richard Crislip
Steve Beckman
Alex D
James Ross
Mathieu Chouinard (x2)
Paul Fiscarelli
Jim OKeefe
David Jones
Richard Batt
Shawn Wheatley
Rick Porter
Thomas Sorensen
Michael Furman

Total analog board sets: 43

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