[Coco] CoCoSDC Saving Kings Quest Progress to disk.

Barry Nelson barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
Tue May 30 19:08:51 EDT 2017

> Alexander Wallace alexander.o.wallace at gmail.com  <mailto:coco%40maltedmedia.com?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BCoco%5D%20CoCoSDC%20Saving%20Kings%20Quest%20Progress%20to%20disk.&In-Reply-To=%3CB04DD403-781F-43B7-ACDB-55784DB8DE5E%40gmail.com%3E>
> Mon May 29 22:14:36 EDT 2017
> I did try chd and chx and then sierra as you suggest, but for some reason executing the program froze the CoCo.
> The new Sierra disks that Guillaume prepared for the SDC did allow me to save the game so I’m all set now…
> I need learn a lot more about SDC, VHDs, NitrOS and all that. Very exciting!
> Thanks for the reply!
I am thinking that you were not on the 32 column screen when you typed those commands. If not, press the clear key until you get to the 32 column screen then type:

Some games, like Kings Quest I only run from the 32 column screen. Others only run from the 40, or 80 column screens. If a game does not run from one screen type, try one a different screen type. There are quite a few games on that disk image. Happy gaming!

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