[Coco] Troubleshooting CoCo 3

Salvador Garcia salvadorgarciav at yahoo.com
Mon May 1 11:12:03 EDT 2017

Thanks Francis. I'll have a look at the text that you referenced.

Yes, I am getting a black screen, when all RAM is removed and also when the Cloud 9 Triad 512K expansion board installed.


      From: Francis Swygert <farna at att.net>
 To: "coco at maltedmedia.com" <coco at maltedmedia.com> 
 Sent: Monday, May 1, 2017 5:51 AM
 Subject: [Coco] Troubleshooting CoCo 3
There is a troubleshooting guide in "Tandy's Little Wonder" that has all the tests you can do with a multimeter, including what voltages are supposed to be on the cartridge port. The two caps clipped for 512K won't have any affect on operation. IIRC they have something to do with timing, but aren't so critical as to noticeably affect operation. Seems I do recall you get a blank black screen with no RAM installed. Don't recall if the video chip checks for RAM first or it's just that there is no memory for it to buffer anything in. 
 Frank Swygert
 Fix-It-Frank Handyman Service

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