[Coco] Word Power 3.3

phillip taylor ptaylor2446 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 20:53:04 EDT 2017

What switch?

Are you
running this with a modified RSDOS that switches to ROM mode sometimes?

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Robert Gault <robert.gault at att.net> wrote:

> Arthur Flexser wrote:
>> An aspect of Word Power 3.3 that may be responsible for the problem is
>> that
>> it puts its stack in the memory area where the ROMs exist, which is fine
>> so
>> long as you stay in the all-RAM mode that is normal for the CoCo 3.  But
>> any switching to ROM mode will kill the stack and cause a crash.  Are you
>> running this with a modified RSDOS that switches to ROM mode sometimes?
>> There is no easy fix for this problem.
>> Art
>> <snip>
> Very interesting Art! However there appears to be at least one other issue.
> I've test WP3.3 on a Coco3, MESS, and VCC. If the ROM in each case is
> Disk1.1, WP3.3 works with the Coco3 and MESS, but not VCC.
> If the ROM is changed to anything else, RGBDOS, HDBDOS, the program won't
> run.
> Robert
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