[Coco] megaread utility

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Sun Mar 26 15:23:50 EDT 2017

Dave Philipsen wrote:
> I haven't looked at the source for the NitrOS9 'megaread' utility but it seems that perhaps its
> option of specifying the number of 1K blocks to read is limited to a 5-digit number.  Can anyone
> confirm that?
> Dave

In the comments,
*  01/02   2009/03/14  Bob Devries
* Added functionality to read a number of 1K blocks as specified on the command line.
* Command line is now: megaread #####
* where ##### is the number of 1K blocks to read; default 1024

In the code,
start    clra
          bsr   dec2bin    read a character from command line and convert to binary
          bsr   dec2bin
          bsr   dec2bin
          bsr   dec2bin
          bsr   dec2bin
that's five conversions.

The code looks like it could be changed so that $FFFF 1K reads could be made. In that case, you 
would need six passes through dec2bin and you would need error checking to prevent numbers larger 
than 65535 being entered.

Do you have a problem with a 5-digit limit?


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