[Coco] Good full screen editor for NitrOS9

Tim Fadden t.fadden at cox.net
Thu Mar 23 17:44:34 EDT 2017

On 3/23/2017 12:29 PM, Bill Nobel wrote:
> Scred from the OS-9 Developers pak was one of my favourites.  Handled files of any size.
I agree with this. I still use it.

> Bill Nobel
> b_nobel at hotmail.com<mailto:b_nobel at hotmail.com>
> On Mar 23, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Dave Philipsen <dave at davebiz.com<mailto:dave at davebiz.com>> wrote:
> I know I have probably asked this question before but I'm still searching for a decent text editor for NitrOS9.  I would like to run it in a 80x24 text window and it needs to be able to handle text files that could grow as large as 100k or more.  It would primarily be used for asm or C programming.  Anyone have any suggestions?
> Dave
> --
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Tim Fadden
"Hey Schmidt, don't forget about the six P's.
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