[Coco] It's a small win, but a win nonetheless

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Sat Mar 11 23:52:21 EST 2017

True, stop and start bits are really only used for asynchronous data.  
The cassette data is synchronous and that's why that string of 55s is 
there.  You mentioned that sometimes you get AAs instead of 55s.  If 
that continues after you perfect the circuit it's possible you may cure 
it in software (I'm assuming you've got a program that is reading the 
data in and not a dedicated USART).  Is the data after the AAs also 
shifted or does it correct itself?


On 3/11/2017 10:03 PM, RETRO Innovations wrote:
>> Needs 2 stop bits? More positive framing sync, but will the music
>> tolerate that?  I dunno.
> Well, it would be nice, but the Coco does not provide any stop bits 
> :-)  And, I can't add any.
> Jim

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