[Coco] No windows

Bill cwgordon at carolina.rr.com
Sat Mar 11 12:04:50 EST 2017

Interesting problem:

I'm running an HDBDos EPROM in my floppy controller, DriveWire MacServer on
my PowerMac G5, nos96809l2v030300coco3_dw.dsk, and I cannot create windows. 

At the {TERM|02}/DD: prompt, I type "shell i=/w7&" and I get &003 then the
{TERM|02}/DD: prompt saying eof, and the {TERM|02}/DD: prompt is now

I can call up /w1 and /w4, but everything else becomes a {TERM|xx}/DD:
prompt (whatever proc the called window becomes).

PROCS shows all the processes that have been assigned to each of the windows
I called up.

Surely DriveWire MacServer has nothing to do with it. I'm using freshly
downloaded NirtOS-9 files.


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