[Coco] OS9 68K

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Tue Mar 7 17:09:32 EST 2017

> On Mar 7, 2017, at 4:06 PM, Kip Koon <computerdoc at sc.rr.com> wrote:
> If one has found a copy of Microware's OS9 68K source code tree in a zip file called MWOS.ZIP and OSK.ZIP, is it possible to share dropbox links publically here?  The answer to your question is yes, I have these files.  Can I share them?

Source code? There were a few versions of OS-9 packages released -- there was one that was a BSP (board support package) that would have had all the binaries and such for particular reference boards, and there was another (OEM?) that had source code to all the device drivers and such.

Both would still be actively protected by Microware LLC which is still in business and making money off of them.

		-- A

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