[Coco] Bob Swoger's Health

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Mon Mar 6 09:05:24 EST 2017

On Monday 06 March 2017 08:20:27 Melanie and John Mark Mobley wrote:

> I do not want to say too much about Bob Swoger's health.
> Bob has pneumonia.
> He has been in the hospital for a week.
> Once he is out of the hospital then they want to send him somewhere
> for physical therapy.
> So he may not be back home for a while, if ever.
> Bob is having trouble with feeling in his hands and feet.

Is he diabetic?

I am too, and recently the only way to control the sugar after having 
reached the max seems to by by loseing weight. Slowly, but it does make 
a diff. The 210 I weighed when I retired in the middle of 2002, has now 
drifted slowly down to 161. And I am still working well enough to care 
for the missus, who fell and broke a hip near a month ago.

I've been getting the pneumonia shot as needed, usually with the annual 
flu but its only every 5 years, so thats helped keep me out of trouble 
in that department too.

> He says it feels like he is wearing gloves.
> So he is having trouble typing.  (Idea: He is a ham radio operator so
> he could use Morse code.)
> He is also having trouble walking.  He is twice the size of his wife
> and she cannot lift or assist him.
> He might appreciate a get well card.

I'll see what the Missus might have stashed away thats suitable.
In any event, since you are in contact, I send him my best wishes for a 
full recovery.  Thanks for the heads up on Bob, I appreciate it.

>   Bob Swoger
>   613 Parkside Circle
>   Streamwood, IL 60107
> John Mark Mobley

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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