[Coco] COCO 3 - 128k - With RS Warranty Sticker attached...

Barry Nelson barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
Fri Mar 3 00:53:44 EST 2017

> Karl vonwinklekr at yahoo.com  <mailto:coco%40maltedmedia.com?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BCoco%5D%20COCO%203%20-%20128k%20-%20With%20RS%20Warranty%20Sticker%20attached...&In-Reply-To=%3C1488896703.904931.1488506585256%40mail.yahoo.com%3E>
> Thu Mar 2 21:03:05 EST 2017
> I have a COCO 3, that i ordered and received a TRIAD 512K SRAM Upgrade.
>  Since my system has never been opened should I keep it that way and get another COCO 3?
>     Or just bite the bullet and open the COCO and put the memory in?
>     I have a COCO SDC and it works great just want try some of the OS9 applications and other programs that make use of the 512k ram.
> Karl
> http://www.frontiernet.net/~mmarlette/Cloud-9/Hardware/512K.html <http://www.frontiernet.net/~mmarlette/Cloud-9/Hardware/512K.html>
Karl, I think that warranty is expired. :)

I know I would prefer a 512k CoCo 3 to one that has not been upgraded. In any case, it’s your CoCo, you will have to decide. If you do install the upgrade, remember to snip the leads on the proper capacitors.

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