[Coco] Back to the COCO

Bill Gunshannon bill.gunshannon at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 4 12:35:02 EST 2017

On 1/4/17 11:02 AM, Brian Blake wrote:
> Bill,
> I'm not sure I've ever seen a buffered 'y' cable before - it would only
> buffer the device being plugged into the CoCo anyhow. The best solution
> to protect the CoCo, IMHO, would be to install the Cloud9 Protector -
> CPU replacement board that has buffering IC's in place already.

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear enough on that.  I remember a definitely
unbuffered Y-cable being offered.  Like the unbuffered connectors on the
Glenside interface I see this as not only a dangerous concept but I
really don't understand how they even work as I would expect multiple
devices hanging of that same bus to interfere with each other.  but what
do I know.  :-)


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