[Coco] Tcp off-loading on CoCo

William Astle lost at l-w.ca
Thu Apr 13 12:44:30 EDT 2017

On 2017-04-13 10:29 AM, L. Curtis Boyle wrote:
> The cart interrupt might be a better option (it can be IRQ, not just FIRQ, right?), as you can shut that on or off at will. So, if a routine knew that polling would be better for it’s situation, it could shut the IRQ off, and poll. If it preferred an IRQ (to block read a bunch of data after completed packets are in - read it like a disk drive sector), it could do that as well.

The cart interrupt is hard wired to the FIRQ on the coco1/2 (via PIA1 I 
believe). On the coco3 it can be routed to IRQ, FIRQ, both, or neither 
through the GIME.

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