[Coco] CoCoTALK! #3 will take place today

Steve Strowbridge ogsteviestrow at gmail.com
Sun Apr 2 07:44:19 EDT 2017

We have not set an exact time, nor nailed down a specific agenda, but I
think the general consensus is, people want another CoCoTALK! today.

We will be talking about our anticipation for CoCoFEST! perhaps share some
of the tech discussions that have been going on this week in the skype
group, and who knows what else?

If you'd like to be on the skype call when the talk begins, you can join

We do this as a combination live skype call, that is also live streamed to
YouTube, where other people can also join with live chat questions,
comments, etc., on my which will air live at http:://live.ogStevieStrow.com

If you'd like to be part of the TALK, or have topics you'd like to have
discussed let me know ASAP, will have have this talk sometime today,
probably this evening/afternoon, for me in Florida, it's the morning of
Sunday, April 2nd.

Steve Strowbridge, aka
The Original Gamer Stevie Strow
ogsteviestrow at gmail.com

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