[Coco] Profiling emulator?

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Wed Sep 14 01:27:38 EDT 2016

On 14/09/2016 2:27 PM, Barry Nelson wrote:

> Again, rather than QT, I suggest leaving all the Direct X stuff untouched
> and using Wine Lib. This will also fix most of the other windows
> dependencies.

Aside from being outside my area of expertise, it's not my project and 
therefore not my call.

Would that facilitate running on MacOS as well?

The whole cross-platform thing is a bit of a minefield. I dabbled with SDL 
briefly but couldn't get the architecture of an existing project to bend 
enough into the SDL framework. Or perhaps it was merely my inexperience. 
WxWidgets looked promising, but there were annoying little 'features' and 
also bugs in the app that couldn't be explained by anything outside the Wx 
library (bad worker blames his tools?)

Having said that, there are projects out there that seem to do this fairly 
successfully. But I wonder if the software in these cases was designed from 
the ground-up from an experienced developer with this in mind so as to avoid 
'wrong' design decisions?


|              Mark McDougall                | "Electrical Engineers do it
|   <https://retroports.blogspot.com.au/>    |   with less resistance!"

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