[Coco] Coco sound 6 bit Dac

Simon Jonassen simon at roust-it.dk
Mon Nov 7 11:25:06 EST 2016


the 6bit dac lives at address $ff20, the upper 6bits, you need to route the MUX to use the dac.

potentially you can make 6 1bit channels if you so choose, but the volume will vary per channel...

the best way to implement multichannels is to sum the various values into one single output value

making a music player for a game is quite a challenge as the CPU has to do all the work

I have personally spent ALOT of time making a soundplayer that can be used indemo/ingame

take a look at this:



Please feel free to ask any questions !

/Simon :-)

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Coco [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] På vegne af Sandrus Magister
Sendt: 7. november 2016 16:10
Til: Coco
Emne: [Coco] Coco sound 6 bit Dac

Hey guys,

Please can you point me to some information/site on how the 6 bit DAC
works, how to program it? I would like to write a (simple) sound/music
player for my game. I have experience with 6809 assembly.

Just out of curiosity, can I have 3 2-bit channels?


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