[Coco] Speech & Sound Pack alternatives or emulation?

Nick Marentes nickma at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jan 6 15:10:49 EST 2016

On 6/01/2016 9:48 PM, Steve Strowbridge wrote:

> It seems to me, the only way I can demo these games is going to be to find
> a multi-pack interface and sound pack both off eBay (which I haven't seen
> in my 2+ month obsession) and this is going to be a costly, and bulky
> solution.

I have been highliting this problem for years. It's probably the number 
one reason why there is so little software that supports the SS/C 
cartridge and those that do, don't use the cartridge to its full potential.

Sound has been the CoCo's greatest weakness compared to other systems. 
(As far as gaming is concerned)


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