[Coco] Fuzix: Now on CoCo2

Michael Furman n6il at ocs.net
Sun Dec 4 02:47:51 EST 2016

I don't have an ide board, so how about targeting cocosdc?  Could write the fuzix rom to one of the onboard flash slots and use a disk image on the sd card for the fuzix root image.  The loader for this is dead simple, disable interrupts, tell the cocosdc to switch flash banks then just JMP in to fuzix.

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 3, 2016, at 6:08 PM, Brett Gordon <beretta42 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yup, for banking in additional kernel code.  We've had quite a few emails
> back and forth on code banking.  To do it right, its going to take some
> work on gcc and lwtools.
>> On Dec 3, 2016 8:44 PM, "RETRO Innovations" <go4retro at go4retro.com> wrote:
>> Would Alan find value in a CocoFlash, or is his 16K cart already good
> enough?
>> Just thought I'd inquire.
> -- 
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