[Coco] CocoMIDI and Other Boards Available

Jayeson Lee-Steere cocolistemail at titaniumstudios.com
Thu Aug 18 06:20:56 EDT 2016

I should have edited that Facebook post a bit more before sending. Please
email me directly for a price total.

jayeson at titaniumstudios.com.

- Jayeson

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Jayeson Lee-Steere <
cocolistemail at titaniumstudios.com> wrote:

> For those not on Facebook:
> CocoMIDI 2016 boards are finally available! These follow the de facto Coco
> MIDI standard used by the original Rulaford, Glenside, etc. MIDI
> cartridges. They ended up being more expensive to build than my initial
> estimates. There are a few options available.
> John Strong is designing a case - current work-in-progress is looking
> great. Please purchase case(s) directly from him when available.
> I also have the pictured Coco 1 E-Board Solderless 64k Circuit boards.
> These allow the Coco 1 E board machines to address the full 64k. Previously
> this involved soldering an (IMO) ugly mess wires. You still need to supply
> 8 4164 DRAM chips. The color of the attached jumper wire varies - if you
> have a prefer please request a color and I will try to accommodate.
> I may be able to ship the Coco 2 SRAM boards right now, subject to testing
> this updated board design. These 64k boards are for later Coco 2 models
> which have the two white header sockets for a RAM board. The board does not
> require any soldering but a single wire jumper does need to be soldered
> onto the Coco main board. A pre-shaped wire jumper and a short length of
> solder included. You'll need tweezers/fine tipped pliers, a soldering iron
> and a helping hand to solder the jumper.
> Pricing follows. All prices are in US$. If you are in Australia, I will
> convert to AU$ and add GST. Some options are very limited quantities -
> Michael Brant​, Randy Weaver​, Ed Orbea​, Anthony Mori​ and André Ballista​
> are first in line. Please message me for a total - I check for message
> requests often. Payment will be via Paypal.
> Fully assembled and tested CocoMIDI 2016 rev 1.1 board with standard 6850
> UART.  (Boards on left of first photo). Ignore the unpopulated chip sockets
> on some of the boards in the photos - all board options come complete and
> tested. As mentioned above, no case is supplied. $79
> Fully assembled and tested CocoMIDI 2016 rev 1.0 board with standard 6850
> UART. (Board on bottom right of first photo, and in second photo). This
> earlier board revision has a number of patches on the bottom side. The wire
> patches are soldered into the board through-holes, so are very solid. These
> are functionally identical to the rev 1.1 boards, other than the lack of a
> front set of mounting holes. I'm not sure John Strong's case will even use
> these holes. $74.
> Upgrade UART to 68B50. The 68B50 are rated for 2MHz operation so Coco 3
> users may wish to choose this option. I am uncertain if any Coco MIDI
> software accesses the MIDI port with the Coco running at 2MHz - there is no
> need in assembly language and the earlier MIDI devices do not specify a
> 2MHz part. If you plan on writing a BASIC MIDI program on your Coco 2, then
> this option will allow you to use the high speed poke with confidence. Add
> $9. Fourteen only, then they are gone.
> Upgrade UART to new-old-stock, ceramic/gold, Soviet 6850 clone. Add $19.
> Two only, then they are gone. I quite like these, so grab them quick before
> I change my mind about selling them.
> Buy two or more CocoMIDI 2016 boards at once. Save $10 per board.
> E-board 64k Circuit board. $15
> 64k SRAM board for late model Coco 2: $18
> Postage is from Australia. As an example, postage and packaging to the USA
> starts at $13.50 and typically delivers within 2 weeks.
> Please note that the boards are hand-assembled in small quantities and may
> have minor cosmetic flaws. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, send back
>  boards within 15 days of receipt for a full refund (less shipping).
> Cheers,
> Jayeson
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_lZwDmP8D1aZjJEczNCQ2JmbkU/
> view?usp=sharing
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_lZwDmP8D1aMmxDdmNZYUJFS2M/
> view?usp=sharing

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