[Coco] RS DOS RS232 application?

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Thu Apr 14 20:58:04 EDT 2016

On Thursday 14 April 2016 20:34:59 RETRO Innovations wrote:

> On 4/14/2016 7:14 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Thursday 14 April 2016 19:58:35 RETRO Innovations wrote:
> >> I would like to test out a mod to my RS232 pak to bring it up to
> >> 230kbps.  Is there a simple app around that has source so I can
> >> modify it to do 230kbps on my rs232 pak and test?  Or,
> >> alternatively, is there a simple terminal that I can run to test
> >> out the various existing bps rates?
> >>
> >>
> >> Jim
> >
> > Unless you have huge buffers, big enough to contain the whole
> > transmission, the coco cannot move more than about 90k a second.
> That's fine.  That's approximately 900kbps, far more than I need.
> Any response for my question?
> Jim

No, not from a position of authority after having forgotten the kilobaud 
to kilobyte translation that badly.  I'd fire up the scope and check 2 
things, 1 being that the output rise and fall times are no more than 10% 
of the bit time, and which swing from -7 to +7 volts or more, and if the 
scope is well calibrated, do you see bit times that correspond to 230 
kilobaud, a hair over 4.17 u-s per bit?

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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