[Coco] FPGA CoCo's

Gustavo Ranaur Schoenaker ranaur at ranaur.net
Fri May 22 09:19:42 EDT 2015

Excelent Dave. I have also a DE1, that won´t probably work with CoCoFPGA.
(That´s why I left it after taking over the world. :-))

Can you release the source? That's a good project to work on!


On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 4:39 AM, Dave Philipsen <dave at davebiz.com> wrote:

> On 5/21/2015 9:30 PM, Mark McDougall wrote:
>> On 22/05/2015 11:10 AM, Dave Philipsen wrote:
>>  Well, that's good to know. It's a shame that Altera changed the memory
>>> and
>>> couldn't find a chip that is at least compatible with the old one.
>> FTR the board is produced by TerASIC, not Altera.
> True.  That's what I should have said.
>>  Unfortunately, Gary doesn't publish the source and I'm not sure he has
>>> time
>>> to keep up with it (although I don't know him personally nor have I
>>> communicated with him).
>> He did publish some early source, though I don't recall if that was for
>> the DE1 or not. I ported an early version of his Xilinx-based project to
>> the DE1 (older board) but that's very outdated now.
>>  Anyway, it will be handy for other things IF I can get this stinkin SRAM
>>> figured out.  It doesn't behave like most standard SRAMs and I frankly
>>> don't
>>> have that much experience with VHDL to figure it out.
>> Yeah I'm not really sure what the issue is as I have an older board.
> After about 3 hours of trial and error this amateur VHDL coder got it
> figured out! (I'm sure a more experienced person would have figured it out
> in no time)  A few very minor changes to Grant Searle's project  (which was
> written for a pretty standard 128K x 8 SRAM) makes it work on the new DE1
> board.  The 256K x 16 SRAM on the DE1 now looks like 512K x 8 to the
> Multicomp project and my MMU which works on another board with a 512K x 8
> RAM now works on the DE1.
> Next issue to tackle: make a file system to access the SD Card in FAT 16
> and eventually FAT32 formats.
>> Regards,
> --
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