[Coco] Another MPI on fleabay

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Mar 17 21:41:49 EDT 2015

On Tuesday 17 March 2015 02:03:52 RETRO Innovations wrote:
> On 3/17/2015 12:07 AM, Kip Koon wrote:
> > Hi Jim,
> > I mean Kipper SBC v1
> *I* think it is solid, but then again, I can afford to be wrong for 5
> boards or so.  So, if you're not completely satisfied with it, I'd
> breadboard it.  Send the schematic to Gene, and have him look over the
> decoding to see if I missed anything.

I have looked, and it looks ok to me.  But keep in mind the bible I'd 
swear on is out of reach.  I have made mistakes in the past, so I would 
recommend a breadboard first.
> 2 things I think need to be checked:
> 6850 active high inputs should be tied to Vcc, or you can use the
> spare '266 as an inverter and put A11 into one of them.  That lowers
> down the decode a bit.
> The RS232 header should match those USB doohickeys on eBay, as that's
> the way to go.  I don't think you can even buy a MAX232 and caps for
> $.99, and if you bought them in bulk, I bet you could just kit them
> into the purchase.
> Jim

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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