[Coco] OS9 CoCo SDC utilities

K. Pruitt pruittk at roadrunner.com
Thu Jun 11 23:14:53 EDT 2015

This is fantastic, Barry.  Thank you for doing this and for sharing the 
source to help others. You rock, dude.

And now a long blab...

Years ago Hot Coco had an article about interfacing an Armitron robotic arm 
to a CoCo. I never did get around to building one, but I thought it would be 
cool to have the Armitron pull a disk out of a circular bin and insert it in 
to the disk drive. This would give the CoCo access to a lot of disks (hey 
harddrives were expensive back then).

Drivewire pretty much does this for us without the use of a robotic arm, but 
now with your utilities for swapping out images on the fly with the SDC we 
have the ability to do this on a stand alone CoCo and the number of disks 
that can fit on a microSD card far surpasses anything I could have imagined 
accessing with my robotic-arm-disk-delivery-system.

And thanks to all you folks who are not only supporting the CoCo, but who 
are driving the CoCo community forward with your innovative hardwire and 

P.S. I still want one of those Armitron robotic arms. Hehe.

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