[Coco] Benchtop Power Supply Recomendations Requested

K. Pruitt pruittk at roadrunner.com
Tue Jun 2 01:34:24 EDT 2015

I would like to get a benchtop power supply to provide power for beginner 

As I'm not an electronics guy I am not sure what to really look for. The 
selection out there is vast. Left to my own devices I would probably let 
price decide, and without knowing what features are essential that initial 
cost savings could end up costing me more.

I believe my needs would be met with a DC power supply that provides 
voltages from 0 to 12 volts. Maybe a little more. Not sure what I should 
look for in the amperage. I know it should be able to put out very low 
amperage, but I am not sure what maximum I should be realistically looking 

Do I even need AC support for any reason?

Honestly I'm not very comfortable with AC. DC to me is this nice flowing 
stream of electrons that you direct this way or that.
AC on the other hands is this weird wave of electrons that flows back and 
forth, has hard math, and can kill you a lot easier.

So any tips on features that are essential; things I should be looking for - 
pro or con - or really any other power supply advice you have would be 
greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much.

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