Zippster zippster278 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 08:35:22 EDT 2015

Not sure what makes some units yellow and others not.  A slight difference in the plastic composition
they were running at that time, or maybe the environment they were kept in.  Exposure to sunlight
over a long period of time (through a window and such) seems to make this type of thing happen

I have some CoCo2’s that have no yellowing, and a couple that are so yellow they are a tan color.

- Ed

> On Jul 16, 2015, at 5:30 AM, lciotti at lrlc.us wrote:
> Hmmm.   Looking at the $300+ one it is odd to me that it appears to have no yellowing at all, and only one photo is also odd.   What made this unit not yellow?
> Sent from my iPhone

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