[Coco] Drivewire info

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Sat Jul 11 16:41:46 EDT 2015

I'm kind of new to all of this drivewire stuff too but, yes, you can use 
drivewire as a hard drive replacement for your CoCo 3 under NitrOS9.  In 
fact, you can boot from it too.


On 7/11/2015 2:33 PM, George Ramsower wrote:
>  I've never used drive wire on NitrOS-9. Heck, I've never tried 
> NitrOs9. So, any/all future questions are as a newbie....
>   Can drivewire be configured to use it's connection to a PC as a 
> default hard drive, say, as the CMDS directory? Perhaps as a total 
> replacement, except for the boot disk?
>  I'm thinking that if it can do that, then I may be able to eliminate 
> my need for a replacement hard drive.
>  Of course, this means I have to convert to Nitros9 so that issue does 
> not need to be mentioned.
>  I have a laptop with plenty of HD space, a DB9 connection and W-7 OS.
>  The coco I want to connect to it is a CC3, 512K, 3 com ports and that 
> laptop takes very little space and uses very little power, generates 
> very little heat and it seems it would be perfect for what I'm thinking.
> George R

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