[Coco] The CoCo Crew Podcast -- Episode 1 now available!

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Sun Jul 5 21:12:30 EDT 2015

On 26/06/2015 5:13 AM, John W. Linville wrote:

> Please take a listen and I hope you enjoy it!

Just finished listening to Episode 1 flying back from a family catch-up 
interstate. Great work, keep it up!

I get where Al is coming from, but also agree with John in that you can't 
please everyone all of the time. If a podcast is to appeal to everyone, it 
will inevitably contain material of little interest to some. Let's keep a 
good mix each episode and hopefully there'll be something in there for everyone.

Personally, I learned a couple of things about the 6809 that I didn't know - 
thanks for that John! I "learned" 6809 assembly relatively recently, relying 
on my general knowledge of 8/16-bit micro assembly and a 6809 reference - 
very easy to miss some of the unique features the 6809 has to offer.

Would also encourage Neil to tackle another segment or two each episode - 
looking forward to some game reviews from him!


|              Mark McDougall                | "Electrical Engineers do it
|  <http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug>   |   with less resistance!"

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