[Coco] 'arc' copy command and Stack Overflow (ERROR #207)

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Mon Jan 26 01:40:07 EST 2015

It was a year or two back.

 archive                                        11/05/30 12:43      4E71

Says I compiled it in May 2011.

Preinstalled Hard disk image Nitros9 Ver 3.2.8 for VCC

The library I used has left my memory but I now realize Kevin Darling is the wrong person to ask for help.

libraries from RTSI:

I suspect is the one I used. 

Looking at the backup of my computer before it needed to be sent to Sony for a new motherboard, always use the proper glue for your GPU, I do not see the source.

But SHF841 on my webpage appears to have the source.

I lost interest in fixing up my muliticolumn printing software when the printer would not work.

I lost interest in archive when I realized that no longer could I trace down if the problem was a library problem or system and as I said, no response to the report.

Archive is where I found the problem (And was I suprised), Colorful Sled has the same code. After losing my editing too many times I went on a cursade to fix any posibility of losing the editing file. Something the other Sled people did not see as important, more modern looking yes.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gene Heskett" <gheskett at wdtv.com>
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] 'arc' copy command and Stack Overflow (ERROR #207)

> On Sunday 25 January 2015 22:57:06 Stephen H. Fischer did opine
> And Gene did reply:
>> Be careful, NitrOS-9 has changed some related things.
>> My similar Archive program counted on the return code from Disk Full to
>> stop and tell the user.
>> Upon changing the syntax for another utility I thought I was done.
>> Then I discovered that the disk full error was not being returned to
>> the program.
> That is a pretty serious charge Stephen.  No coder in his right mind would 
> remove that error return.

I thought so also!

The cmdline is the normal "Copy \d1\dir1\file.c \d2\dir2\file.c".

It has already been determined that file.c is not in dir2.

char *cmdline;

   int length, status;
   if((length = strlen(cmdline)) <= 80) {
      if((status=system(cmdline)) == NULL)  {
         fputs("\nsystem command successful\n",stdout);
      else {
         fprintf(stdout, "SYSTEM ERROR # %d\n Press ENTER ",status);
         while(getchar() != ENTER);
      fputs("\ncommand line > 80 chars - cannot issue",stderr);
      return -1;

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