[Coco] Build NitrOS9 on Windows, step by step

Tormod Volden lists.tormod at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 09:11:37 EST 2015

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 2:23 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday 22 January 2015 02:49:02 Kip Koon did opine
> And Gene did reply:
>> Allen,
>> To get that kind of build time, how do I turn off the listing to the
>> screen.  Should I redirect to a file?  Should I just turn listing off
>> on make.  Docs please.
>> Kip Koon
>> computerdoc at sc.rr.com
>> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Kip_Koon
> That control line is in rules.mak.  Unfortunately it is now a global thing
> when using lwtools as lwasm considers a listing control line in a src file
> to be an error.  Looking at that file, it appears one will need to peruse
> the lwasm docs to see how to add the listing to the ASM line. My most
> recent copy does not have it, but its 3 or 4 months old too.
> Back in Mamou days we could do it on a single file basis. So I have
> resorted to some creative use of grep to recover a listing of an
> individual file when the whole thing has been "2>&1 >filename".  That
> FWIW, generates well over a gigabyte worth of listing here.

Gene, I believe Kip is talking about the verbose output from the
makefiles. lwasm doesn't normally print out anything except warnings
and errors.

The "assembly listings" you are talking about is the very verbose and
optional output from the assembler which shows all symbol values and
generated byte code together with the source code. If anyone is
interested in those, I have introduced a mechanism in rules.mak to
have them generated and dumped in a separate, existing directory - if
you define LISTDIR. E.g.

mkdir /tmp/coco2_listings
make PORTS=coco2 LISTDIR=/tmp/coco2_listings

will give you the full collection of assembly listings for this coco2
build. I use this together with scripts/list2crc.pl which renames all
the files according to the os9 module CRC, then my gdb scripts in
scripts/os9.gdb can use this to automatically call up the correct
listing in an editor and position the cursor at the current point of
execution during debugging with gdb. Pretty neat I must say.
Unfortunately gdb is only available on XRoar AFAIK so no luck for
coco3 debugging.


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