[Coco] HDBDOS assembly patch help! (RETRIEVE resolution)

Chad H chadbh74 at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 18 11:44:06 EST 2015

Well I took a glance at that site and at the 'OmniDisk' counterpart there for Win9x platforms and it seemed too complex and universal.  I would be much happier if I could just get the RETRIEVE issue eliminated so I can use it without any problems...which I'm very close to accomplishing.

I've only got 2 problems right now...

1> Apparently the FD-502 controller doesn't connect the A13 line from the EPROM to the CART connector so I can't put in a 16K EPROM without installing a jumper..  But I can fix that later, right now I'm testing by loading .BIN files.

2> I know just enough assembly to cause myself a headache.  I was beating my head on this seemingly very very simple thing yesterday for more hours than I care to admit.  I know someone with basic assembly knowledge will be able to spot my error and help me out though

Here is the excerpt from the HDBDOS DSKINI section I'm trying to change.  I want it to write a head byte #0 for Drives 0/1 and byte #1 for Drives 2/3 (side 2 of floppies).  Right now, it's still writing all #0 as listed.  I can fiddle with the code and make it write #1 all the time. But then my RETRIEVE problem flips to the other side of the disk ugh.   I need it to behave and write the correct byte depending on drive number.  Anyone please?

LD691          ldx       >$1F
               ldd       #$204E              GET SET TO WRITE 32 BYTES OF $4E
               bsr       LD6C2               GO WRITE GAP IV
               clrb                          RESET	SECTOR COUNTER
LD69A          pshs      B                   SAVE SECTOR COUNTER
               ldu       #DBUF1              POINT U TO THE TABLE OF LOGICAL SECTORS
               ldb       B,U                 * GET LOGICAL SECTOR NUMBER FROM TABLE AND
               stb       DSEC                * SAVE IT IN THE DSKCON VARIABLE
               ldu       #LD6D4              POINT U TO TABLE OF SECTOR FORMATTING DATA
               ldb       #$03                * GET FIRST 3 DATA BLOCKS AND
               bsr       LD6C8               * WRITE THEM TO BUFFER
               lda       DCTRK               = GET TRACK NUMBER AND STORE lT
               sta       ,X+                 = IN THE RAM BUFFER
               ldb	    <DCDRV				'GET DRIVE #
		  cmpb	      #2				ANYTHING >1 is Side 1
		  blo       SIDE0				Less is Side #0
SIDE1		  lda		1			        else Set Side #1 Byte
		  bra	     WRTBT
SIDE0		  clra		                    Less than 2, set Side #0 byte			   
WRTBT		  sta	      ,X+			    Store Byte
		  lda       DSEC                * GET SECTOR NUMBER AND
               sta       ,X+                 * STORE IT IN THE BUFFER
               ldb       #$09                = GET THE LAST NINE DATA BLOCKS AND
               bsr       LD6C8               = WRITE THEM TO THE BUFFER
               puls      B                   GET SECTOR COUNTER
               incb                          NEXT SECTOR
               cmpb      #SECMAX             18 SECTORS PER TRACK
               blo       LD69A               BRANCH IF ALL SECTORS NOT DONE
               ldd       #$C84E              WRITE 200 BYTES OF $4E AT END OF TRACK

-----Original Message-----
From: Coco [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] On Behalf Of Robert Gault
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2015 7:21 AM
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [Coco] FW: Color Computer DSKINI / RETRIEVE

OK, then try using a different PC program to read Coco disks. Check this out.

This program by Jason Watton is a great utility that should work with any Coco disk. The latest version is stated to work with Win7 systems. Coco disks can be 35, 40, or 80 track and single or double sided. It doesn't matter whether the disks are true doubles or separate disks per side.

The program has no problems reading the second side of a Coco disk formatted with HDBDOS or the standard Tandy DOS.


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