[Coco] Sculptor for OS-9 L2 (8 years later again)

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Mon Jan 12 23:22:30 EST 2015

Sculptor is in several of the dumps, #3 for sure. (7z format)

I also have (Somewhere) the version for MSDOS.

Send me a PM and I will tell you where my OS-9 disks are.

x86, that disk may have lost it's memory.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "univax!gatech!destroyer!trantor!kandur" <k at qdv.pw>
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 8:00 PM
Subject: [Coco] Sculptor for OS-9 L2 (8 years later again)

> Found a bunch of Sculptor scripts and data files in my restored 1989 HD backup.
> I used to have an extensive music collection going back to the 50s, on 45 rpm singles,
> 33-1/3 rpm LPs, reel-to-reel, 8Track, and casette tapes.  I used Sculptor to catalog them. 
> Later this was converted and ported to the DATATRIEVE rdb on a VAX at work.
> Eight years ago in 2006, fellow OS-9 users, Bob Devries, Stephen H. Fischer, Richard E. Crislip had a discussion about Sculptor.
> Bob had uploaded these files for us:
> Sculptor Install.pdf
> Sculptor Intro.pdf
> Sculptor Reference.pdf
> Sculptor Sample Programs.pdf
> http://coco.maltedmedia.narkive.com/9v5Sh09u/sculptor-for-l2-os-9 
> Just wondering, if anyone is/can run Sculptor these days?
> I'd like to print out my old catalogs one of these days.
> Here is a part of my old music catalog:
> http://qdv.pw/coco/?p=532 
> ... and my "new" Coco...
> http://qdv.pw/coco/?p=518 
> Kandur
> -- 
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