[Coco] [COCO] Putting NitrOS-9 boot track in ROM

David Ladd davidwladd at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 13:44:47 EST 2015

Everyone I have a update on the progress of my testing.

After some modifications to the boot_ide.asm I was able to get de-blocking
added so it is possible to boot directly off of the nitros9 volume. I have
tested this code with both VCC using the IDE.DLL(SuperIDE) cart and a image
of my CF card mounted in the master slot.
After my testing was complete on VCC I tried the same ROM image of the boot
track on my SuperIDE and it booted from my CF fine without the need for
HDBDOS, as long as you have a OS9Boot file actually on the os9 volume that
has it linked to LSN0, to boot.

Here is the diff file of the boot_ide.asm file.  When building the
deblocking version of the asm file you will need to add a -DDEBLOCK to the
makefile related to the boot_ide or make a new set of lines that creates a
boot_dide with new option.
diff -r 04175ab6b6b3 level1/modules/boot_ide.asm
--- a/level1/modules/boot_ide.asm    Thu Jan 29 22:50:30 2015 +0100
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_ide.asm    Sun Feb 08 12:04:14 2015 -0600
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@
 bootloc        RMB       3                   sector pointer; not byte
 bootsize       RMB       2                   size in bytes
 LSN0Ptr        RMB       2                   LSN0 pointer (used by
+               IFDEF     DEBLOCK
+HalfSect       RMB       1
+               ENDC
 size           EQU       .

 name           FCS       /Boot/
@@ -125,6 +128,14 @@
                pshs      x,b
 b@             tst       Status,y
                bmi       b@                  if =1 then loop
+               IFDEF     DEBLOCK
+               clra                          clear A so we can hold half
sector flag
+               lsr       ,s                  ok shift the 3 bytes on stack
+               ror       1,s                 hold LSN to the right to
create a
+               ror       2,s                 divide by 2.  Then put last
bit in
+               rola                          A for use as the half sector
+               sta       HalfSect,u          then store the flag on the
+               ENDC
                lda       mode,u
                sta       DevHead,y           0L0d/0hhh device=CHS
 r@             ldb       Status,y            is IDE ready for commands?
@@ -185,6 +196,11 @@

                ldx       blockloc,u
                clr       ,s
+               IFDEF     DEBLOCK
+               lda       HalfSect,u          load half sector flag
+               cmpa      #$01                check to see which routine we
+               beq       Blk2Lp              need and branch to it.
+               ENDC
                lda       DataReg,y           A <- IDE
                ldb       Latch,y
@@ -195,13 +211,27 @@
                dec       ,s
                bne       b@

                leax      -256,x
                stx       1,s
                lda       Status,y            check for error-bit
-               clrb
+               clrb
                puls      b,x,pc

+               IFDEF     DEBLOCK
+               lda       DataReg,y           A <- IDE
+               inc       ,s                  Here we toss out the
+               bpl       Blk2Lp              first 256 bytes of the sector
+               clr       ,s
+               lda       DataReg,y           Now we read the second
+               ldb       Latch,y             half of the sector and put
+               std       ,x++                into RAM
+               inc       ,s
+               bpl       b2@                 go get the rest
+               bra       BlkEnx
+               ENDC

 * ------------------------------------------

After this code is tested a few more times I hope to submit this to the
repo. With the changes to the makefile's so the new kernel file is created
ready for use.

|David Ladd|

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