[Coco] OS9 68K, MM/1 software and questions

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Wed Dec 30 21:41:40 EST 2015

On 12/28/2015 04:42 PM, Nick Marentes wrote:
> On 29/12/2015 7:56 AM, Bill Pierce via Coco wrote:
>> Hang it up Nick... the MM-1 is STRICTLY an OS9 68K machine (Moto 
>> 68000 series processors) :-P
> So that's why it went no where.

Well, the K-Windows system (from _K_evin Darling) was largely compatible 
with WINDINT system calls from CoCo 3 OS-9 Level II.  So programs 
written in C for the CoCo could be ported to the MM/1 very 
straightforwardly.  So there was a degree of source-code compatibility 
there.  Had there been more GUI programs written in C for the CoCo 3 in 
the first place, there would have been more ported to the MM/1.

> Could it at least run OSK software from other OSK systems... assuming 
> there was software?
Sure.  Any OS-9/68K software for a text terminal would work fine on the 
MM/1, assuming you had a suitable TERMCAP entry.  Also there was a lot 
of UNIX and GNU software that got ported.

> It would seem that it wasn't really a "CoCo4" as it was being 
> advertised back in the day.

Depends on how you look at it.  I have both the FHL TC-9 Tomcat (6809 
and GIME chip) and the MM/1.  I got more use out of the MM/1 than the TC-9.

> Nick

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