[Coco] Toolshed help or alternative?

Kip Koon computerdoc at sc.rr.com
Tue Dec 29 04:16:54 EST 2015

Hi Chris,
While I'm waiting for a long disk to disk copy on my CocoFPGA, I thought I'd try to help you out.  I'll be happy to help you anyway I can.   Toolshed requires lwtools to assemble properly.  Have you assembled all the files yet?  If not, then you can get lwtools from 
< http://lwtools.projects.l-w.ca/>
Look in the Downloads Section.  If so, are you having syntax problems with the commands?  It took me a little be of time myself to figure out how to use the commands myself.  
Please let me know the specifics of your situation.  I don't use MingW as I never could get it to work so any specifics about MingW will have to be addressed by somebody else.  I use Cygwin64 on Windows 7 for all my NitrOS-9 work and any other assembling and compiling for that matter.  I really like Cygwin64.  
I'm going to the beach in the morning to vacation with my family for the rest of the week, but I will be connecting up from time to time to download my email.  Let me know how I can help.  Take care my friend.

Kip Koon
computerdoc at sc.rr.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Coco [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] On Behalf Of Chris Martin
> Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:16 AM
> To: coco at maltedmedia.com
> Subject: [Coco] Toolshed help or alternative?
> Hi all,
> I can't for the life of me get Toolshed running.  I have no idea if it is required but I installed MinGW and then maxed it all out for the
> heck of it.  I want to be able to edit disk images to use on my CocoSDC.  I just do not know what else to try.  Any thoughts?
> I am running Windows 8.
> Chris
> --
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