[Coco] FW: For those on Win 7/8 and DONT want Windows 10

Chad H chadbh74 at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 26 11:22:00 EST 2015

This is not meant to start a long thread/war about Windows so please don't.
Just passing a tip along to those like myself that use Windows 7 (or 8) and
are sick and tired of the "Upgrade to Windows 10" in the taskbar tray.
Tried many times to override it but the solution was far more simpler.   Its
just a KB update.   I put the removal for it in a batch file should I need
it in the future.


@echo off

echo This will uninstall Update KB3035583

echo (Which was only for the Windows 10 Upgrade App)


wusa /uninstall /kb:3035583


- Chad H



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