[Coco] coco3 logo plate

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sun Aug 9 23:19:57 EDT 2015

On Sunday 09 August 2015 22:54:45 Josh Harper via Coco wrote:

>  does anyone know of a easy way to take off the logo plate without
> damaging it thanks

You might try a hair dryer, set on low.  But I've no clue whether the 
case lid will warp before the glue lets go, which it probably will do 
very slowly.  So don't get in a hurry and don't get it too hot.

And I'm not responsible for any damage as thats something I have never 
attempted.  But most glues are heat sensitive. Even 200 year old hide 
glue in old furniture comes right apart with 150F and up heat, live 
steam being used quite often. Some, like the superglues and epoxies will 
need 450F or a bit more, and the plastic certainly will not take that 
without damage.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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