[Coco] Cross Post from FB Page..Disk Basic Programming Question...

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Thu Aug 6 17:12:50 EDT 2015

Do you mean something like a log file that contains both what you type to
the CoCo and whatever the CoCo puts on the screen in response?

I don't think there's an easy way to do that from Basic, though it
shouldn't be too difficult to do with an assembly language patch to Basic.
You'd want to change the unit number of where the output is going from unit
#0 (the screen) to the one you've assigned to the disk file.  Actually, a
simple redirect like that would prevent the output from going to the
screen, so you'd probably want to output an additional copy to the disk
file of whatever is sent to the screen.

There's a feature similar to this in ADOS (the PRT ON/PRT OFF command),
except that it sends everything to the printer instead of to a disk file.
If that would do for your purposes, you could download ADOS (ADOS-3 for the
CoCo 3) and boot it up from disk.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 4:12 PM, Steve Batson via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com>

> CoCo Disk BASIC programming question.
> Is there a simple way in Disk BASIC to open a disk file and then send
> anything following that command to a Disk File or an Array from the screen
> and then stop once the data has been collected?
> --
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